What's New?

A listing of projects for which public comments are currently invited can be found on the ECC Portal of the Ministry of Environment, Forestry and Tourism (http://eia.met.gov.na), as well as information on the Environmental Clearance process, EIA procedures, downloadable files etc.

All projects - including those that were previously listed on the ECC Portal but have been removed - can be accessed on the eLibrary of the EIS.

Best practice guidelines for avian monitoring and impact mitigation at proposed wind energy development sites in Namibia

Invitation to a workshop:

Best practice guidelines for avian monitoring and impact mitigation at proposed wind energy development sites in Namibia

Date:     Wednesday 15 July 2015

Time:    08h15-13h00

Venue: Polytechnic of Namibia - Namibia Hotel & Tourism School, Beethoven/Brahms St, Windhoek

Standardised national protocol/guidelines for wind energy Environmental Impact Assessments, that can be accepted and endorsed by the authorities and the industry, need to be developed for Namibia as a matter of urgency.

The NamPower/NNF Strategic Partnership and collaborators are organising a workshop to present the BirdLife SA-EWT Best Practice Monitoring Guidelines to the Namibian industry, government, Environmental Assessment Practitioners and other stakeholders, and to explain the need for the monitoring procedures that are being recommended in order to obtain buy-in for the process in principle. The programme will include discussions on the applicability of the SA guidelines to the Namibian situation and a brain-storming session on the pros and cons of the various monitoring methods in the Namibian context, with a recommended way forward for Namibia.

 Please would you indicate whether you would be interested in participating by 6 July 2015.

RSVP to Ann & Mike Scott, email ecoserve@iway.na with your name, institution/capacity, email address and telephone contact details.

Inquiries: Cell 081 284 5130

» download more information here


Upcoming EAPAN 2014 AGM and Mini Conference

Please note that the EAPAN AGM and Mini Conference are scheduled to take place on Friday, 10 of October 2014 at the auditorium (ground floor); Ministry of Mines and Energy building; Aviation Road (near Eros Airport), Windhoek.

Kindly note that the AGM may be attended by EAPAN members only. The Mini-Conference is open to any interested party. An attendance fee (N$200 for members & N$300 for non-members) is payable in order to help us cover costs for meals and refreshments, etc. The fee shall be paid in cash on registration at the venue and is for the AGM and Mini-Conference or any parts thereof.

Please RSVP (via email to: sigi@envirod.com ) for both events by latest Friday, 3 October 2014.

» download agenda

» download nomination form

» download proxy

Documents for EAPAN 2013 AGM & mini conference

Please register before the 15th of October as we need to know numbers for the catering. Members who are not able to attend should complete the Proxy form below and return it to us at info@eapan.org
