What's New?
A listing of projects for which public comments are currently invited can be found on the ECC Portal of the Ministry of Environment, Forestry and Tourism (http://eia.met.gov.na), as well as information on the Environmental Clearance process, EIA procedures, downloadable files etc.
All projects - including those that were previously listed on the ECC Portal but have been removed - can be accessed on the eLibrary of the EIS.
2013 AGM and Annual mini Conference
The second AGM will be held at the Polytechnic Hotel and Tourism School on Friday 18th October 2013, starting at 10h00. The AGM will run until lunch at about 12h30.
The formal Notice and Agenda for this AGM, minutes, nomination forms and other supporting documents from the 2012 AGM can be viewed here.
The mini Conference will start after lunch at about 13h30. The theme of the mini Conference is “Strengthening EA practices in Namibia”.
Get more info here.
Training workshop
The Ministry of Environment and Tourism with the support from UNDP Namibia will host a workshop from the 10th to the 12th July 2013.
This training workshop will focus on the integration of health and social issues with emphasis on HIV/AIDS and gender into the planning and execution of Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) for capital development projects.
Time: 08:30 to 16: 30 daily
Venue: Daan Viljoen Game Park
RSVP: On or before Friday 5 July 2013 to charlotte@envirod.com
Costs: No costs involved
May 2013 workshop outputs now available
Outputs are now available from the workshop held on the 30th of May 2013 to Review the Legislation and Implementation of the Environmental Assessments in Namibia and discuss how these could be improved.
Files are downloadable as pdfs.
- MET EAPAN Workshop - Workshop Objectives
- MET EAPAN Workshop - Administrative considerations
- MET EAPAN Workshop - Legal issues
- MET EAPAN Workshop - MET perspective
- MET EAPAN Workshop - MME perspective
- MET EAPAN Workshop - MRLGHRD perspective
- MET EAPAN Workshop - NITRP perspective
- MET EAPAN Workshop - Practitioners - What we can do better
- MET EAPAN Workshop - Regulation challenges relating to the environmental management process
- MET EAPAN Workshop - Workshop Proceedings
Workshop postponed to 30th May and moved to the Hilton Hotel
A joint workshop organised by The Environmental Commissioner, Department of Environmental Affairs (DEA), and The Environmental Assessment Practitioners Association of Namibia (EAPAN) to Review the legislation and implementation of environmental assessments in Namibia and discuss how these could be improved.
Date: 30th May 2013
Time: 08h30 to 17h00
Venue: Hilton Hotel
The Environmental Management Act (EMA) became operational in February 2012, together with the Regulations. Over the past 15 months the regulators and administrators in the DEA, and the practitioners carrying out environmental assessments (EAs) and implementing environmental management plans (EMPs) have experienced some constraints in their respective areas of work. The purpose of this workshop is to bring together the key players to identify the constraints and challenges that they face and to jointly explore solutions. These challenges fall into three main categories:
- the legislation
- the administration
- the EA process and implementation
To improve the implementation of the EMA and Regulations.
Spirit of the workshop
Regulators, administrators, practitioners and proponents need to work together to improve EA policy and practice so that EA genuinely influences decision making for sustainable development. We’re all in this together, so let’s work positively and constructively to make EAs and EMPs better, and help make the whole process work smoothly and efficiently.
1. DEA Perspective on the implementation of EMA and its regulations
2. Identifying shortfalls in the implementation of EMA and Regulations from the perspectives of:
2.1 Competent Authorities:
- Ministry of Mines and Energy;
- Ministry of Agriculture, Water and Forestry;
- Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources;
- Ministry of Lands and Resettlement;
- Ministry of Regional, Local Government, Housing and Rural Development; and
- Ministry of Works and Transport.
2.2 Others
- Planners perspective (Institute for Town & Regional Planners)
- EAPAN perspective (Simon Charter)
- Legal perspective (Alet Greef, Engling Stritter & Partners)
After the above presentations there will be a facilitated discussion. This will involve:
- Brainstorm to ensure all concerns and challenges wrt the legislation are brought out and some consensus is achieved on what needs to be done to improve the Act and especially the Regulations, and the alignment between the two, and with other laws;
- Prioritise the issues and develop actions to resolve them.
3. Improving EA practice and implementation (Practitioners and proponents could do things better):
- Practitioners Perspective (? and ?)
The presentations will be followed by a facilitated discussion to:
- Brainstorm to ensure all concerns and challenges wrt EA practice and implementation are brought out and some consensus is achieved on what needs to be done to improve the situation;
- Prioritise and develop actions to address and resolve problems.
4. Conclusions and way forward : DEA
Teas and lunch will be provided
One-day workshop to review the implementation of the Environmental Management Act and Regulations in Windhoek
The Environmental Commissioner and the DEA, together with EAPAN, are hosting a one-day workshop on 8 May 2013, to review the implementation of the Environmental Management Act and Regulations in Windhoek.
Environmental Practitioners involved with any aspect of Environmental Assessments, Environmental Management Plans and associated work are invited to share their experiences for the specific purpose of helping all parties to improve the Regulations and the administration, application, implementation and management of the legislation for the benefit of the EA process for all stakeholders.
Please put this date into your diary. A more formal invitation and Agenda will follow.