What's New?

A listing of projects for which public comments are currently invited can be found on the ECC Portal of the Ministry of Environment, Forestry and Tourism (http://eia.met.gov.na), as well as information on the Environmental Clearance process, EIA procedures, downloadable files etc.

All projects - including those that were previously listed on the ECC Portal but have been removed - can be accessed on the eLibrary of the EIS.

EAPAN 2012 conference proceedings now available

The proceedings of the EAPAN conference held on the 19th of October 2012 can be downloaded here.

First 22 EAPAN Membership applications reviewed

The Executive Committee completed a review of the first 22 applications for membership to EAPAN on 5th October 2012. A spreadsheet of all members is being prepared and membership letters and financial statements are being sent out this week. Your EAPAN membership certificate will be issued to you on receipt of payment. EAPAN members are entitled to place a short bio or mini-profile onto the EAPAN website about themselves (private consultants or employees) or about their EA company or organisation. This should be no more than 100 words and may cover, for example, your areas of expertise and current work, track record and a link to your website. Bios should be forwarded to info@eapan.org clearly marked “Bio – your name or name of organisation” in the Subject line.

New category for EAPAN Membership

The Executive Committee of EAPAN met on 5th October 2012 to review membership applications to the Association. The committee looked at each applicant’s academic qualifications and level of experience against the criteria set for the different categories of membership. We realised that a new membership category was needed for professionals working as Environmental Officers in large companies, parastatals and government, where their main focus of work is on preparing ToRs for EAs and EMPs, working with EA consultants, doing in-house reviews of EA and EMP reports, updating EMPs, carrying out inspections and monitoring compliance, providing training to technical and other staff in their organisation, etc. These professional Environmental Officers are a critical part of the overall EA process, but they are not actually doing the EA research and compiling the EA reports. The Executive Committee therefore resolved to create a new category of EAPAN membership called “Environmental Manager”. For more details see the “Category” section of the website.

EAPAN 2012 AGM & Conference planned

EAPAN’s first AGM will be held on Friday 19th October 2012 starting at 10h00 at the Polytechnic Tourism Training School. This will be followed by lunch at 12h30 and a mini Conference in the afternoon. The draft Agenda for both events are available here. The Executive Committee for the next year will be elected at the AGM. Please submit your nomination form to the EAPAN Secretary at info@eapan.org by 5th October 2012.

The mini Conference will start after lunch at 13h15. The theme of the mini Conference is “The Role of EA in promoting Sustainable Development in Namibia”.

We have invited the Minister of Environment & Tourism to give the keynote address (awaiting her response) and the Environmental Commissioner to give a short presentation on how he would like EAPAN and its members to help him and his staff with the implementation of the Environmental Management Act (awaiting his response).

We invite EA practitioners to give a short presentation in one of the following two themes:

(i) How have EAs in Namibia influenced decisions? (download template to help structure your presentation), and

(ii) Lessons from post-implementation monitoring - has the EIA-EMP been implemented? (download template)

If you have been involved in a project that could provide insight to one of these themes and would like to give a short paper (max 10 minutes) please contact Peter Tarr at peter.tarr@saiea.com.

We will also have a facilitated session to explore how EA could better promote Sustainable Development in Namibia, i.e. what are the obstacles that we currently face?

Please set Friday 19th October aside and register for the AGM and mini Conference -  RSVP Gudrun.denker@saiea.com by 15 October.

Only Members of the Association are entitled to nominate, vote and stand for election to the Executive Committee. As the Association is in its first year, the current Executive Committee is holding a special meeting to review Membership Applications on 5th October. EA Practitioners who wish to nominate, stand and/or vote at the AGM are advised to get their Membership Applications submitted on-line before 5th October 2012.

Register as an EAPAN member before 5th October.

EAPAN formally constituted

EAPAN - a new association for Environmental Assessment Professionals in Namibia - was established in March 2012 following a consultative process with environmental practitioners throughout Namibia. EAPAN will provide a national forum for advancing innovation and promoting international best practice and developing capacity in all forms of environmental assessment at local, regional and national level in Namibia and will provide a national network on best practice in the use of environmental assessment for informed decision-making regarding policies, programmes, plans and projects.
